Mala Yoga

Yoga Nidra
with Jaccy

May 30 (Tuesday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
75 minutes

O'Connor - Keegan St

Soft, spacious and calm - our Yoga Nidra class focuses on creating stillness of mind and deep, conscious relaxation in your body.

Class begins with gentle asana aligned to the Ayurvedic season, allowing the body to release physical and mental tension. Preparing your body for the higher practices ahead.

Once you've settled into savasana (lying on your back), you'll be guided through a grounding, nurturing yoga nidra, turning your awareness within and away from outward distractions. Enhancing your self-awareness and mental and emotional health and nourishing your nervous system.

Practice will include pranayama (breathing practices) and finish with meditation to experience peace and stillness.

You will float out of class calm and tranquil ❤️

Have you heard of yoga nidra before? Yoga nidra is known as yogic sleep. You will be guided through a visualisation that takes you to a state of deep relaxation. A state somewhere between waking and sleeping whilst still being fully conscious.

One of the things we love most about yoga nidra is the peace and quietness afterwards. Feelings of stress, tension and anxiousness seem to melt away. And sleep that night is always amazing 😊

Class is open to all levels.


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