Mala Yoga

Chandra / Moon Hatha
with Nick

April 15 (Monday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
75 minutes

O'Connor - Keegan St

In our Yoga Tradition, the mind is seen as the moon - always changing and reflecting the light of the soul (sun).  You may already intuitively sense this constant movement - we’re all so busy, constantly stimulated and distracted with so many sensory inputs, the mind in constant movement.  Yoga places great importance on practices that calm and steady the mind and that’s the intention in our Chandra Hatha classes. 

 A balanced mind-body practice, your class will be interspersed with moments of flowing movement, static postures and rest to recalibrate and allow the physical practice to settle into your being.  A skilfully crafted Hatha yoga sequence, aligned with the Ayurvedic season, will incorporate asana (poses), savasana (deep rest), pranayama (breathing practices) and meditation.  Your practice will lead you towards a more calm and relaxed state in mind and body.

Class is open to all levels.


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