Mala Yoga

Surya / Sun Hatha
with Jaccy

April 16 (Tuesday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
75 minutes

O'Connor - Keegan St

The sun is used as a metaphor for prana (life-force energy) in our Yoga Tradition - like the sun, prana is the fuel for life and even when we don’t see it, prana and the sun are always shining.

Body and mind awareness, calmness and expansion are the key intentions for our Surya Hatha classes.  Being guided by the Surya Namaskar (sun salutation) practice, your class will focus on cultivating prana through expansive movements and moments of flow, returning to stillness to centre and stay grounded throughout practice.  A skilfully crafted Hatha yoga sequence, aligned with the Ayurvedic season, will incorporate asana (poses), savasana (deep rest), pranayama (breathing practices) and meditation.  Your practice will lead you towards transformation, inspiration and spaciousness.

Class is open to all levels.


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